I’m absolutely thrilled to have you here! You’re amazing! You won’t believe what I have to share with you.

Because of my passion for prophecy, I am motivated to share my knowledge with you. I possess a rare level of understanding. My goal is for you to comprehend and gain knowledge about the current end-time events. It is because of personal revelation, scripture study, prayer that I understand what is happening right now. Including right down to the next war. Some with dates and other events without dates. That being mentioned, the focus is not on dates, but on events and the importance of faith in Christ and cultivating a relationship with Jesus.

My podcast launched on September 6th, 2024, and although I’m sharing fantastic content, I’m struggling to gain an audience.

Be assured that I have planned a strategy which I am confident will resolve the current predicament. But that plan involves you as well. If you love my channel and find it valuable, please let others know. My thoughts turn to whether anything could be more importance than God’s Love and prophecies. With thousands of interpretations, which one is accurate? I assert God is righteous, however, many individuals stray from the truth by allowing personal agendas and hearsay to sway their judgment.

What sets me apart from others? Let us pause our conversation here.

As a devout man of faith, I don’t have all the answers. Honestly, this is exactly what I asked God for. I implore God to grant me insight into the proximity of Jesus Christ’s return, seeking to understand the time frame we are currently in. I wanted to determine the closeness of Christ’s return, my pray was answered. I am experiencing a powerful sense of God’s presence right now, and this experience allows me to understand the depth of His closeness to us. Let us offer our praises to the all-powerful God.

I am deeply inspired by the influence of Jesus Christ and the accuracy of prophecy. Come January 20th, 2025, I’ll have two new channels up and running. (YouTube and Rumble.com) The learning process will follow the same format as this audio podcast, however, it will be presented in a way that is both easier to comprehend and more enjoyable, making it a more effective.

The power of God has given me the foresight to know what will occur before it actually takes place.

There have been many developments leading up to the year 2025, which in itself is a testimony that God answered my humble prayer. The unfolding of prophecies in the world serves as a testament to the accuracy of the Holy Bible, confirming that God’s word is not something to take lightly.

Find out why this podcast is so important in our day, page here. Have questions, contact me, here. You’re invited to check out the video below or click here.

Allow me, as your host, to welcome you. I’m Timothy Thompson, a member of “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”, and I’ve become a prophecy expert through 50 years of devotion. I am overflowing with gratitude for the abundance of knowledge I have, and my commitment to humility is steadfast and everlasting. My purpose is to offer support and serve as a mentor in your journey to comprehend end-time events. I am absolutely certain that the second coming of Jesus is approaching, but before that day, we must face many other events. The challenges we face will be influenced by our faith in Christ. But before that day there will be The First Resurrection.

It is my understanding that the combination of scriptures, prayer, the holy spirit, and the current state of the world provides evidence that we are in the last days, awaiting the return of Jesus. But don’t be fooled, there are still events that must take place. Understanding these events will strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ. Is that your desire?

Understanding the symbolism of the seven seals, 7 trumpets and 8 kings leading to the second coming will help you recognize the events that precede it. This is an exceptionally extraordinary occurrence, and this is what the podcast is all about. I kindly invite you to join me on my humble podcast, where I can share extraordinary wisdom and knowledge. And starting in January I’ll be starting two channels, one on YouTube and the other on rumble.

Thanks for visiting GTL.news! This channel is dedicated to those longing for a deeper connection with Christ and seeking insights into revelation and prophecy.

May God be with you.
Timothy Thompson

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