The Book of Revelation – 5th of 7 Seals, Christains Slain, Lord Resurrected. 33 A.D.

Episode 011 of the podcast will delve into the 5th seal, a phenomenon that began over 2000 years ago. Each seal signifies 1000 years, making 7 seals symbolize a complete week. We agree that the 5th seal symbolizes persecution. The fifth seal, which began in 33 A.D., marked the year Jesus rose from the dead. PODCAST 011

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Timothy Thompson, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, discusses the fifth seal in his prophecy podcast. He explains each seal represents a thousand-year period, and the fifth seal began in the year 33 A.D. when Jesus Christ was resurrected. This seal is associated with the souls of Christian martyrs who were killed for their beliefs. Thompson provides biblical references to support his interpretation. He also mentions that the sixth seal will start in the year 1033 A.D., leading up to significant events in 2033. These events include the first of seven trumpets and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thompson encourages listeners to study and stay informed.

God’s Timelines, welcome to our prophecy podcast where we explore events of the past, present and future. It’s time to exterminate and expose misinformation and reveal the truth. We will discuss how ancient predictions relate to current events of our day. Timothy Thompson, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, becomes a prophecy expert after 50 years of dedication. He aims to share his incredible knowledge and wisdom, a remarkable teacher. Shouldn’t we understand prophecy if it’s given by God? And now, presenting your host, Timothy Thompson.

Welcome, brothers and sisters. This is Timothy Thompson. I’m glad that you’re here. It’s been a kind of journey. But today is November the 15th, 2024, and today’s topic is the fifth seal. This is going to be a very interesting topic. We’ve been talking about the seven seals, and we know each seal is a thousand-year period. Where many people believe in our day that the seals have something to do with plagues, well, that’s true to a certain extent, but they believe it’s for the last days.

When in actuality, it covers, seven seals covers the space of 7,000 years. Think of each seal is a thousand years, kind of represents a thousand years to the Lord is one day. So each seal is a thousand years, and we’ve covered one through four, four thousand years so far. Now the fifth seal. So when did that, you know, take place exactly? Well, when Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected, that started the fifth seal.

So that’s very interesting, isn’t it? Because that was the year 33. So you add 33 and a thousand years, you get the year 1033. You add another thousand years; you get the year 2033. Well, it’s almost 2025 where I stand. So 2033, significant things happen. Things come together. But we’re covering the fifth seal. So when Jesus Christ arose from the dead and was resurrected, that started the fifth seal. And that’s what I want you to understand.

Now I’m going to read some stuff from an old article. And so let the podcast begin. Find it very interesting? I hope you find it interesting as well. The fifth seal, the year 33 A.D. to the year 1033 A.D. And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, And verse 11, So that was the fifth seal.

Kind of interesting, isn’t it? The fifth seal, and that was Revelation chapter 6, verses 9 through 11. The altar equals sacrifice. Now, souls equals martyrs, Christians killed for their belief. I find this very interesting when I was studying because of what I wanted to understand, so you have to back it up. Have an excellent history of the scriptures, right? But when Jesus Christ arose from the dead, that started the fifth seal.

So to me that would mean, OK, it would have to have something about people being killed. And so I said, OK, let me check it out, see if it adds up. So that’s when you check out, you know, the scriptures. You checked out Revelation chapter 6, verses 9 through 11. And that’s where you learn. Hey, it says the souls, the martyrs, Christians were killed for their beliefs. It nailed it, didn’t it? It fits the verses nicely.

Many early Christians, including nearly all the original apostles, gave their lives up as martyrs. John saw the Christian martyrs under the altar, suggesting that their lives were given to sacrifice to God’s service. Much like the sacrificial animals offered upon the altar of the temple. Because they gave up their lives for the word of God and the testimony which they held, they were given white robes, a symbolic of purity. In Revelation chapter 7, verses 13 and 14, we read, And one elder answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes, and which they came? And 14, And I said unto them, Sir, thy knowest.

And he said to me, These are they which came out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. In 3 Nephi chapter 27, verse 19, we read, And no unclean thing can enter his kingdom. Therefore, nothing entereth into his rest, save it is those who have washed their garments in the blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end.

Very interesting. So we understand that the fifth seal opened up during the year 33 A.D. to 1033 A.D. So when Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected, that started the fifth seal, and that was the year 33. So that lasted from the year 33 to 1033 A.D. Now the fifth seal, the year 33 A.D., the Christian martyrs were slain, and we just read that in Revelation chapter 6, verses 9 through 11. Here are some of the most important events of the understanding when the second coming will occur.

The very first day that Jesus Christ was resurrected started the fifth seal. We also learn, 2 Peter chapter 3, verse 8, In verse 9 we read, Verse 10, Verse 11, So next week we will cover the sixth seal. So very interesting. So we learn some things here. We learn that when Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected; it started the fifth seal, and that was the year 33. You add a thousand years to 33; you come up with the year 1033, and that will start the sixth seal.

And we’ll cover that next week. And that will take us up to the year 2033. Well, we’re not there yet, but that’s a very significant time, because things come together. That is going to be the time of the first of seven trumpets. We’ll cover that in future podcasts, where you have one trumpet after another, and you go through all seven trumpets, and each trumpet has certain events that take place that lead up to the second coming.

When Jesus Christ returns, when Armageddon takes place, that is during the seventh trumpet. So, God bless you. We’re getting there. And that is it for this week, brothers and sisters. Please read the transcription, study, and keep on moving on. God bless you. You have a great week. And that ends our podcast for Friday. It’s the 15th of November, 2024. God bless you and have a great week.

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