Truth is the light that the world needs. This Podcast Is Essential.
Have you ever experienced a passionate fire within you, a belief that you’re eager to express but unsure how to do it? A fervent love for prophecy has coursed through my veins for as long as I can recall. I was unsure about the timeline for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
In my prayers around 2010, I asked God multiple times. I desired to comprehend the level of closeness to the second coming. The general response was that only the father knows the exact time.
I received an answer, with the help of the holy spirit. I know it’s hard to believe, but trust me and listen to this.
To find the answer, I referred to chapter 5 in the book of revelation. In that book, John sees the book sealed with seven seals. No man can access the book, not even to open, read, or glance at it.
Because of Jesus’ victory on the cross and his sacrifice for our sins, God gave upon him a book that was sealed with seven seals. Jesus entrusted the book to John, the revelator, who recorded its contents. John witnessed our day.
In simpler terms,
Jesus conquered the cross. It was at this point that Jesus realized the precise timing of his second coming, as he had rightfully earned that knowledge and God handed him the book sealed with seven seals as mentioned in Revelation chapter 5.
My podcast will analyze and present information clearly. You will have beforehand knowledge of what will happen before it actually occurs. As I share this information with you, several things are taking place right now.
With a loud voice, declare the worthiness of the slain Lamb (Jesus) to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing. I learn that the 7 seals are the revealed will, mysteries, and the works of God; the hidden things of his economy concerning this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence.
Are you seeking truth about prophecy? By listening to this podcast, you will gain valuable knowledge and experience a positive influence. I will only share information that is true, and if it’s my opinion, I’ll mention it. You deserve this and I promise not to disappoint you, with God as my witness.
Since certain concepts may be difficult to understand, I will break them down into smaller parts. To fully benefit from this podcast, watch every episode. Learn just how close we are to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
May God bless and empower each of you during this important time. We have a purpose, so let’s make the best of our time together.
Each podcast will begin with the following introduction. Read More
Welcome to our prophecy podcast, where we explore events of the past, present, and future. It’s time to exterminate and expose misinformation and reveal the truth. We will discuss how ancient predictions relate to current events of our day. Timothy Thompson, a member of “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”, becomes a prophecy expert after 50 years of dedication. He aims to share his incredible knowledge and wisdom, a remarkable teacher. Shouldn’t we understand prophecy if it’s given by God? And now, presenting your host: Timothy Thompson 2ND PART INTRO: My name is Timothy Thompson. To all truth-seekers, I offer a sincere welcome. Do you know that less than 0.1 percent truly grasp what you’re about to discover on this podcast? We’ll uncover and discover the many signs of the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Get ready for a podcast revealing ancient predictions from God’s word. It’s truly astonishing to observe the unraveling of predicted events and comprehend what will occur next. It will enhance your connection with God. I acknowledge God for granting me the chance to share these heartfelt prophecies on our podcast, and I pray it will soar to new heights and penetrate the hearts of all who tune in. I’ll give you the real deal and be completely honest as I share the truth with you from the heart. You deserve this. We standalone. If you listen, you will understand why I can’t hold these things for myself. I pray with all my heart that it will be so. In the name of Jesus Christ, I proclaim these things, amen. GOD’S TIME LINE PODCAST What We Stand For…… I believe that consistent persistence, faith in Christ, that we as one will gain wisdom, knowledge, and have the key to unlocking the spirit of truth. As God has given us prophecy, we shall grasp its understanding together. I pray we can become one, with a deep understanding of the importance of faith and humility in our lives, always seeking the truth of almighty God. I want you to know that less than 0.1 percent grasp what you’re about to discover on this podcast. Keeping that in consideration, let us soar like eagles. Note: We will present a new topic each week. A GTL News, Podcast

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You can relax knowing that I won’t flood your email with unnecessary messages. Brace yourself for a truth that’s crazier than any fictional story. Learning is something we can do together.
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