
The presence of 8.7 million species is considered a testimony to the existence of God. The prophecies, as they continue to unfold, require and deserve our immediate attention. I know he lives. It’s certain. It’s a crazy time, but surprisingly, many people seem oblivious to the gravity of events. In the year (study chart), Jesus will return for the saints. Uncover the incredible timeline and begin studying the prophecies unfolding before our eyes. No other prophetic chart has ever been so accurate in predicting unfolding events. How do we do it? We have the correct interpretation. Enjoy! It’s my gift to you which came from God.

GOD’S TIME LINE | THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. If God gave us prophecy, shouldn’t we understand it?

April 1, 0000

THE FIRST SEAL – YEAR 3967 to 2967 B.C.

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April 2, 0000

The Second Seal – The YEAR 2967 to 1967 B.C.

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April 3, 0000

The Genesis Flood- Noah's Flood Warning 2311 B.C.

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April 4, 0000

THE 3RD SEAL – THE YEAR 1967 to 967 B.C.

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April 5, 0000

The 4th SEAL – YEAR 967 B.C. to 33 A.D.

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April 6, 0000

Prophecies of Jesus Proves That Jesus Was The Promised Messiah. April 6, 0 B.C.

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April 3, 0033

THE 5th SEAL – YEAR 33 A.D. to 1033 A.D.

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January 1, 0067

The Great Apostasy and Restoration of Christ's Church in 67 A.D.

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April 14, 0070
April 1, 1033

THE 6th SEAL –  The YEAR 1033 A.D. to 2033 A.D.

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January 1, 1830

Jesus Christ Church is Restored For The Latter Days - April 6, 1830 A.D.

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January 1, 1836

The ancient prophet Malachi foretold the coming of Elijah. Malachi 4:5–6 - April 3, 1836 A.D.

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December 15, 1925

1925 A.D. “Reza Shah Pahlavi” Became 1st King in Iran: Daniel 11:2

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March 31, 1935


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September 16, 1941

2nd King; Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran - 1941 A.D.

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May 14, 1948

May 14, 1948 A.D., Israel becomes a nation as Prophesied.

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June 5, 1967


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December 3, 1979

3rd King - Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini of Iran - 1979 A.D.

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June 4, 1989

4th King Iran Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei - June 4th,1989 A.D.

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July 17, 2016

Daniel 8: 3 - King of Turkey became higher in status than Ali Khamenei. 2016 A.D.

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October 21, 2024

Turkey & Iran Push to the North, South, and West. (war) 2024 A.D.

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January 1, 2025
February 15, 2025

Middle East Splits Into The North and South Kingdom - 2025 A.D.

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January 1, 2026

The United States Divided Into Four Territories: 2025 - 2027 A.D.

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February 1, 2026

Wars - Kingdom against Kingdom. Matthew 24: 7 - 2026 A.D.

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January 1, 2030

The Great Earthquake, 6th seal event. 2028-2033 A.D.

April 17, 2033
February 1, 2033

The Mark of the Beast; Rev 13 - est. start 2033 - 2034 A.D.

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April 17, 2033

2. Angels Sounds 1st of 7 Trumpets - April 17, 2033 A.D. Easter Sunday, 7th Seal Opens

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April 17, 2033

3. First Resurrection - Sunday, April 17, 2033 A.D. Easter - [We also enter the 7th seal]

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January 1, 2034
January 1, 2035
January 1, 2036
January 1, 2037

5th Angel Sounds Trumpet .est 2037 A.D.

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January 1, 2041

6th Angel Sounds Trumpet - 2041 A.D.

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January 1, 2042

7th Angel Sounds Trumpet - 2042 A.D.

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April 1, 4033

Last Resurrection / Rapture - April 3, 4033 A.D. - Easter

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